Heidy P.



Eesti keel, Inglise keel, Bioloogia, Keemia
Tallinn, Estonia
3 aastat
BSc in Biochemistry from The University of Liverpool, IB DP diploma from Tallinn English College
Eesti keel, Inglise keel
Esimene tund -50%

About me

Hey there!
My name is Heidy and I can help you get more comfortable in your weakest subjects! Having graduated from international baccalaureate DP program and having a BSc in Biochemistry from the University of Liverpool means I can help you dive deeper into biology, chemistry, maths, but also English or even Estonian! so feel free to reach out!

Minu tunnid ja õpetamisstiil

I'd love to hear from you! What is your preferred learning style, I can tell you more about different topics but we can also do lots of interactive exercises!

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esimene proovitund
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Broneeri tunnid
Heidy P. conducts 1 trial lesson with -50% discount for each new student, select a time below and let's get started

Ajad kuvatakse teie kohalikus ajavööndis.

Learn with 100% satisfaction guarantee
Õppige 100% tagasimakse garantiigaKui teie õppetundi ei toimu või te ei ole õpetajaga rahul, tagastame teile kogu raha.
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esimene proovitund
Broneeri tunnid
Learn with 100% satisfaction guarantee
Õppige 100% tagasimakse garantiigaKui teie õppetundi ei toimu või te ei ole õpetajaga rahul, tagastame teile kogu raha.
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