Obed A.



Английский язык, Компьютерная грамотность, Twi (Akan kasa)
31 лет
6 лет
Twi (Akan kasa), Английский язык
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About me

I am a professional teacher here in the Ghana Education Service, and have a lot of experiences on the teaching field, as have taught for six years now. I always have passion and patience in my work. My style of teaching is learner centered in order for the learner to understand the fundamentals of the lesson with the right teaching approaches, in order to inspire and motivate the learner.

Мои уроки и стиль преподавания

.Learning is always a process, will always take my time to help you understand every lesson. The best way to learn a language or culture is having time with a native. Ready and waiting to have an exciting lesson with you.

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