PhilippinesTrusted tutor


Компьютерная грамотность, Английский язык
Don Carlos, Philippines
2 лет
Английский язык
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About me

My name is Teacher Macky. I am from Philippines. I hold a bachelor's degree of arts in English Language Studies and a TEFL qualifications. I am passionate in teaching the learners of English language, it is my main interest. My goal in life is to impart my skills and knowledge to others in order to practice our purpose as an individual and a tutor. And lastly, bear in mind that I am humble and friendly tutor.

Мои уроки и стиль преподавания

With two years of enriching experience in the field, I possess a strong foundation and expertise in teaching English. Over this period, I have honed my skills in guiding students towards English proficiency, fostering their language development, and cultivating a passion for effective communication. Through dynamic lesson planning, interactive activities, and personalized attention, I create a stimulating learning environment that caters to diverse learning styles. My dedication to continuous improvement is reflected in my utilization of innovative teaching methodologies, incorporating multimedia resources and comprehension. Furthermore, my adaptable nature enables me to effectively tailor lessons to meet the unique needs and abilities of each student, facilitating their progress and boosting their confidence. With a solid grasp of grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation intricacies, I am adept at equipping learners with essential language skills. Possessing a patient and empathetic approach, I strive to foster a supportive atmosphere that encourages students to overcome challenges and achieve their language goals. Drawing on my passion for education and my ability to connect with learners, I am committed to inspiring a love for the English language and empowering students to communicate fluently and confidently.

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MC BON JOVY R. conducts 1 trial lesson with -50% discount for each new student, select a time below and let's get started

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