Michael S.



Английский язык, Математика, Физика, Химия
Lagos, Nigeria
12 лет
Английский язык
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About me

I am a passionate tutor expert with over 12years experience teaching students preparing for IGCSE, EDEXCEL and Cambridge entrance examinations mathematics, physics and chemistry. I also tutor university students in different countries topics in advanced mathematics such as calculus, mathematical methods, numerical methods, algebra, trigonometry and elementary mathematics. I am equally good teaching students in 100 to 200level physical, organic and inorganic chemistry concepts. Students can also enroll for tutelage in all concepts in physics. I am very good in my presentation and communication skills via Google meeting app. I have a degree in Chemical Engineering from Obafemi Awolowo University from Ile Ife, Osun state, Nigeria and l am currently running a post graduate diploma in mathematics in University of Lagos. I guarantee immediate success to students that enroll under my tutelage due to my ability to motivate and stimulate students interests in each concept teach.

Мои уроки и стиль преподавания

I teach students for 2hrs per contact and during this period, concise explanation is given for every topic and subtopic taught. I assess students level of assimilation by giving them a short quiz during this period based on concepts taught, grade and make necessary corrections. I teach students majorly by using recommended textbooks for the intended examinations and tried not to derail from required objectives for each topic. I review what was taught in previous class with my students before the commencement of a new topic at the start of each class. I accommodate and encourage asking of questions from my students in order to drive home the scope of every topic taught.

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