Hayley J.

South Africa

South Africa

Английский язык
South Africa
3 лет
Английский язык
Пробный урок
Первый урок -50%

About me

Hi, my name is Hayley. I am a native English speaker from South Africa.
I have a corporate background in accounting, finance and HR.
I am an experienced and certified TEFL tutor with over 700 hours online teaching experience.
In addition to meeting new people, I love puzzles, gardening, participating in walks for charity and the odd hike.
I can help you build confidence in the following areas:
Speaking, fluency, general conversation and debate.
Telephone etiquette
Vocabulary and Grammar
Reading and Writing
Business English - preparing for interviews (role play), presentations, making small talk
English for specific purposes

Мои уроки и стиль преподавания

I believe in teaching a language in a style and on a level that the student can relate to. I love to incorporate video and audio in my lessons. The first lesson with a student is all about discovery and once I get to know the student, what their needs are, their likes and dislikes, I am able to tailor lessons suitable to each individual.

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Hayley J. conducts 1 trial lesson with -50% discount for each new student, select a time below and let's get started

Время отображается в местном часовом поясе.

Learn with 100% satisfaction guarantee
Учитесь со 100% гарантией возврата денегЕсли ваш урок не состоится или вас не устроит репетитор, мы вернем вам полную стоимость.
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Learn with 100% satisfaction guarantee
Учитесь со 100% гарантией возврата денегЕсли ваш урок не состоится или вас не устроит репетитор, мы вернем вам полную стоимость.
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