Erick Nicolas E.

MexicoTrusted tutor


Красота и здоровье, Английский язык, Публичное выступление, Испанский язык
Место проживания
Villas del Pedregal, Mexico
9 лет
Английский язык, Испанский язык
Пробный урок
Первый урок -50%

Обо мне

Hi, My name is Erick Estrada. I am from Houston, Texas and currently exploring beautiful Mexico. I love traveling and learning new customs and traditions. I am a father of three children, licenced barber and small business owner.
I have been an English tutor for well over 8 years working primarily with intermediate to advanced students of all ages. Currently I am teaching students online from all over the world on a separate platform I have been with for 2 years. I hold a 120 Hour TESOL certificate and I am very familiar with teaching online. Last year alone I tutored 1793 students from 57 countries, registered 5274 lessons with a spoken total of 2449 hours!!. Additionally, I volunteer at our local community church in our Foreign Language Outreach Program and I am involved with duties such as live translations and transcriptions as well as document proofreading and editing in both English and Spanish.

Мои уроки и стиль преподавания

I am very easygoing and offer a fun and dynamic classroom setting and teaching style. I like to have a relaxed atmosphere where the student can make mistakes confidently knowing that clear, friendly and constructive corrections and advice will be given.
As a teacher, I am very patient and goal oriented. I like to have fun and laugh during our classes and try to explain things in a very easy-to-understand manner.

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