Penelope C.

South AfricaTrusted tutor

South Africa

Английский язык
South Africa
4 лет
Английский язык
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About me

My name is Penelope and I am from South Africa. I have a Bachelor of Social Science Degree and a 300 hour TEFL Diploma. I have been teaching English language classes to kids and adults for 4 years. I am a friendly and patient teacher, who will gently guide you through classes, providing necessary feedback.

Мои уроки и стиль преподавания

Lessons for the younger learner are fun, varied, and interactive. The method that I commonly use when teaching younger children is the total physical response method, whereby body language is used to assist with language learning. Older children and teenagers can also expect fun and varied lessons, but they will be encouraged to take on personal responsibility and independence for their learning process.

Adult classes focus on your goals and topics of interest as this will help to keep you motivated in the learning process. Reading, speaking, listening and comprehension skills are taught. I enjoy teaching beginner, intermediate and advanced levels and I can provide lesson plans based on your requirements or we can practice conversational English. I also have experience conducting business English classes and If you need assistance with a job interview, I can help you to prepare for that too.

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Penelope C. conducts 1 trial lesson with -50% discount for each new student, select a time below and let's get started

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Learn with 100% satisfaction guarantee
Учитесь со 100% гарантией возврата денегЕсли ваш урок не состоится или вас не устроит репетитор, мы вернем вам полную стоимость.
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