Menna A.

EgyptTrusted tutor


Английский язык
Alexandria, Egypt
16 лет
Английский язык, Немецкий язык, Арабский язык
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About me

Hello everyone 😀 Welcome to my profile. I'm Menna, an Egyptian teacher. I prefer fun learning and creative teaching techniques. I also love to link learning with real life. My favorite hobbies are snorkeling and coloring.

Мои уроки и стиль преподавания

I like comprehensive teaching in terms of the four language skills and training in conversations, writing and reading, and also I prefer real interaction during the lesson and encourage practice and training after the lesson, as you know learning the language needs a lot of practice. I tend to make the lesson exciting and include interactive games to create a sense of fun while learning and loving the language.

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Menna A. conducts 1 trial lesson with -50% discount for each new student, select a time below and let's get started

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Учитесь со 100% гарантией возврата денегЕсли ваш урок не состоится или вас не устроит репетитор, мы вернем вам полную стоимость.
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