Katarzyna K.

PolandTrusted tutor


Английский язык
Warsaw, Poland
5 лет
Польский язык
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About me

Hey there! My name is Kasia, I'm an English tutor and I've been helping students with their language skills for six awesome years now. I graduated from the University of Warsaw, which gave me a solid foundation in teaching languages. But you know what really fuels my passion? Traveling and meeting people from all walks of life. There's something magical about immersing yourself in different cultures and languages. It's not just about conjugating verbs or memorizing vocabulary; it's about connecting with others and broadening our horizons. So, in my lessons, I like to bring that spirit of adventure and cultural exchange. Let's learn together and explore the world one language at a time!

Мои уроки и стиль преподавания

In my language lessons, I keep things practical and personalized. I understand that each student has their own goals and learning style, so I make sure to tailor my classes accordingly. I focus on real-life situations and hands-on activities to keep things engaging and relevant. Whether it's practicing conversations, role-playing scenarios, or using multimedia resources, I aim to create a dynamic learning environment where students can really apply what they're learning. My goal is to help each student progress at their own pace and feel confident using the language in any situation.

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