Helena A.



Danish, French language
22 years
Tartu, Estonia
1 year
Danish, English, Estonian, French
Trial lesson
First lesson -50%

About me

Tere, olen TÜ üliõpilane Helena. Ma olen elanud aasta Prantsusmaal, Vabatahtlikuna töötanud Taanis. Lisaks olen reisinud ringi erinevates Euroopa riikides. Hetkel õpin Tartu Ülikooli maailmakeelte ja kultuuride osakonnas. Ma võin sulle õpetada Taani või Prantsuse keelt.

Hey, I’m Helena, a native Estonian speaker who is passionate about cultures and languages. I am currently studying Scandinavian culture and languages in Tartu University. I speak advanced French, Estonian, English, and Danish. Not only that, but I have lived a year in France, have volunteered for a summer in Denmark and I have travelled around in different European countries.

My lessons & teaching style

[ENG below]
Minu õpetamisstiil on olla tuutor. Ma soovin aidata õpilasel puhtalt lehelt alustada või jätkata sealt kus õpingud pooleli on jäänud.

Paindlikud tunnid: NT üks kord nädalas 2h võib ka olla 75 minutiline tund nagu on Tartu Ülikoolis. Anna mulle enda sobivast ajast teada!
Suurem fookus isiklikul õppimisel, kuni 1-4 inimest korraga. Õpetades kasutan palju valmis videomaterjale ja pilte, millele õpinguid toetan. Nii on võimalus neid igal ajal järgi vaadata.
Keskendun mõningal määral grammatikale ja süsteemile, kuid pean silmas ka kultuuriliselt olulisi teadmisi ja igapäevast vestlust.

- Klassikaaslaste ja sõprade aitamine keeletundides
- Õpilasfirma kogemus ja rahvusvaheliste õpilasvahetuste kogemused
- 2019-2020 Au-pair Prantsusmaal, kus ma õpetasin 4 ja 7 aastasele inglise keelt
- 2022 Suvekursus õpetasin Prantsuse keelt inglise keele baasil peatsetele Erasmus+ üliõpilstele

My teaching style is to be a tutor. I would like to help You start from the stratch or to continue from where Your studies were stopped. I believe that everyone needs to study at least a bit on their own time, but I am here to guide You what kind of topics You should cover and what are the most necessary things to learn to start communicating.

Flexible lessons: It can be a 2 hour lesson once a week or 75 minute lesson like in Tartu University. Just let me know Your availability!

I structure my lessons on personal learning and therefore I teach 1-2, max 4 people at a time. In my teaching style, I use a lot of videomaterial and pictures. Then these links and material can be rewatched at any point.

I am focusing on grammatics and language system, but I think cultural knowledge and daily conversation are as important.

- Helping Classmates and Friends with language exams and tutoring them in some necessary topics
- Student company experiences and few Youth Exchanges here and there
- 2019-2020I have an au-pair experience in France where I taught 4 and 7-year-old French kids in English
- 2022 Summer French Course for one Latvian and one Estonian speaker in English. They start their Erasmus+ in France and wanted some practise before.

Lesson price 75% to me, 25% to Pinpaya

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Average rating5
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Learn with 100% satisfaction guarantee
Learn with 100% refund guaranteeIf your lesson does not take place, or you are not satisfied with the tutor, we will provide you a full refund.
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Reviews 5
  1. Rasmus L.

    Väga hea Prantsuse keeles!

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