Maarika L.



Estonian language, History, Musical instruments, Beauty & Health
5 years
Estonian, English
Trial lesson
First lesson -50%

About me


Tallinna University
Master's degree in history (magistrikraad)
2022 - ...
Tallinna University
Bachelor's degree in history (bakalaureuse kraad)
2018 - 2022
Tallinn Health Care College (Tallinna Tervishoiu Kõrgkool)
Nurse degree (RN)
2013 - 2017


I have been learning drums (self taught) for 9 years and line drums for 4 years.

My lessons & teaching style

Olen kooliajast saadik aidanud oma kaasõpilasi erinevates ainetes järjele. Ka töötades medõena, sai haritud patsiente erinevates tervise küsimustes. Minnes ajalugu õppima, sattusin tänu asendusõpetaja programmi erinevatesse koolidesse tunde andma vahelduva eduga alates 2019. aastast. Õppemeetodina kasutab erinevaid meetodeid ja reflekteerivat tagasisidet, milles üritan rakendada personaalset lähenemist. Ühtlasi saab kasutatud illustreerivaid materjale ja primaarseid/sekundaarseid allikaid. Tähtis ei ole jätta meelde aastanumbreid, vaid laiemat globaalsemat pilti ja sajandit. Olulisel kohal on ka vaimne tervis ja kõige sellega toimetulek.Soovisin hakata eraõpetajaks, et panustada haridussüsteemi ning pakkuda õpilasele personaalsem lähenemis viis, mis tihti jääb koolis suurtes klassides tähelepanuta.Olen õpetajana empaatiline, rahulik, sõbralik, pühendunud ja ennast pidevalt täiendav. Kui soovid personaalset lähenemist ning süüvida ajaloo sügavustesse ja (vaimsesse) tervisesse, siis eratund pakub vaheldust ja uusi teadmisi.

olen ise õppinud trumme 9 aastat. olen mänginud erinevates koosseisudes. praegu olen 4 aastat mänginud rivitrumme, mille raames olen osalenud eesti laulupeol. õpetan trummi mängu algajatele, mille raames õpetan algtõdesid ja erinevaid stiile trummi ja rivitrummimängus.

Since my school days, I have been helping my fellow students succeed in various subjects. Also working as a nurse, patients were educated on various health issues. Going to study history, thanks to the substitute teacher program, I ended up teaching in different schools with varying success since 2019.
I am using different methods and reflective feedback, in which I try to apply a personal approach. Illustrative materials and primary/secondary sources can also be used. It is not important to remember the annual numbers, but the broader global picture and the century. Mental health and coping with everything is also important.
I wanted to become a private teacher in order to contribute to the education system and offer the student a more personal approach, which is often overlooked in large classes at school.
As a teacher, I am empathetic, calm, friendly, dedicated and constantly supplementing myself.
If you want a personal approach and delve into the depths of history and (mental) health, a private lesson offers variety and new knowledge.

I have been learning drums myself for 9 years. I have played in different formations. currently I have been playing line drums for 4 years, during which I have participated in an Estonian song festival. I teach drumming to beginners, in which I teach the basics and different styles of drumming and line drumming.

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