Nora A.



English language, Estonian language, Mathematics
Tallinn, Estonia
1 year
English, Estonian
Trial lesson
First lesson -50%

About me

Olen 18-aastane noor gümnasist (lõpetanud 11. klassi), kellele meeldib suhelda, õpetada, inimesi aidata ja naeratama panna. Eraõpetajana sooviksin aidata noori koolilapsi (põhikool), kellel on vaja järele aitamist kas eesti keeles, matemaatikas või inglise keeles. Kogemus õpetajana on siiani olnud pere-ringis, olen palju aidanud oma nooremat õde ja sugulasi. ˇ

I am an 18-year-old high school student (completed 11th grade) who likes to teach, communicate and overall help people and make them smile. As a private teacher, I would like to help young school children (primary school) who need help in Estonian, mathematics or English. My experience as a teacher has been in the family circle so far, I have helped my younger sister and relatives a lot.

My lessons & teaching style

Olen valmis tegema tunde nii veebis kui koha peal (Harjumaal), kui see on õpilase jaoks parem. Olen rahuliku loomuga ja mõistev ning räägin puhtalt eesti ja inglise keelt. Tundide pikkused saab määrata vastavalt lapse vajadusele ja vastuvõtuvõimele. Üldiselt oleksid need umbes 45 minutit kuni 2 tundi. Kuna käin veel koolis oleks reeglina hea kui tunnid toimuksid päeva teises pooles ja pigem õhtustel aegadel, kuid nädalavahetuseti sobivad ka hommikused ja päevased ajad.

I am ready to teach both online and on-site (in Harjumaa), if it is better for the student. I am calm and understanding and speak Estonian and English fluently. The length of the lessons can be determined according to the child's needs and receptiveness. Generally, they would be anywhere between 45min - 2h. Since I'm still in school, it would be preferable if classes were held in the second half of the day and rather in the evenings. But on the weekends, mornings and daytimes are also suitable.

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