Natalia Y.

United Kingdom

United Kingdom

Английский язык, Математика, Русский язык
United Kingdom
25 лет
Английский язык, Русский язык
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About me

I am an experienced primary school teacher. Having worked in the diverse areas of London, I have developed teaching methods and strategies that help my pupils to learn and achieve their full potential.
I grew up in Russia, graduated from the university and then moved to London in 1998. When arrived in the UK, I made sure I acquired the QTS in the shortest possible time so that I could continue doing what I am good at - teaching. I have grown professionally, starting as a class teacher, then I became a computing leader, a phase leader and an Assistant Head Teacher. Currently, I am working with children who have speech and language impairment, helping them to achieve as well as their mainstream peers.

Мои уроки и стиль преподавания

I strive to establish purposeful learning environment where my pupils feel safe to make mistakes and learn from them. Learning through play is my motto. I always take into account pupils' interests, their stage of development and their personalities when I plan and deliver lessons so that we have fun while learning.

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