Lisa F.

Saint LuciaTrusted tutor

Saint Lucia

Английский язык
52 лет
Место проживания
Saint Lucia
6 лет
Английский язык
Пробный урок
Первый урок -50%

Обо мне

I am fifty one year old Lisa Ferdinand.My professional training is in Human Relations and Customer Service with over twenty five years of experience in these two fields.
However, I also have five years of part time teaching experience.
My hobbies include cooking,travelling and meeting persons of different nationalities and backgrounds.
I love helping persons,and one way that can be done is through teaching.I think teaching is a fundamental occupation,where a teacher gets to engage in helping mold,inspire and motivate eager willing minds.Hence doing this is very rewarding to me.

Мои уроки и стиль преподавания

My lessons are done in a very concise and precise manner.I do it in this way,so I can get to know my students and their individual needs.Now when that is done,then I can taylor the lessons to suit every individual student's needs.
The Break into English teaching method is well structured and excellent in this regard.I like using it,because it helps students focus on listening and speaking,thus maximizing their talktime through a variety of activities, creating an atmosphere where students feel comfortable enough,to actively learn and participate helping them to connect with,and organize what they are learning. In that way,they are able to learn and speak the English language fluently, in a short space of time.

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