Angelo Raoul L.



Biology, Chemistry, History, Physics
Tartu, Estonia
3 years
English, Estonian, German
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About me

I am a second year medical student. Through my years in school I have represented it in many natural science Olympiads with awarding places. As each generation in my family someone has been a teacher, I too have acquired a love for teaching and spreading knowledge. Thus far I have been a substitute teacher for 12th grade biology, and 7th, 8th and 9th grade history and social studies. My main hobbies are music (I have finished music school with the trumpet being my main instrument), bodybuilding and acquiring knowledge in fields that interest me (STEM fields, medicine and history).

Olen teise kursuse arstitudeng. Põhikooli ja gümnaasiumi ajal olen esindanud koole auhinnaliste kohtadega olümpiaadidel. Kuna mu perekonnas on palju õpetajaid, siis ka minul on tekkinud armastus tarkuse jagamise vastu. Senini olen ma olnud ASÕP programmiga asendusõpetaja 12. klassi bioloogias ning 7. 8. ja 9. klassi ajaloos ning ühiskonnaõpetuses. Kuna mu peamisteks huvialadeks on muusika, raskejõustik ja reaalained koos ajalooga, siis ma usun, et suudan läheneda õige külje alt, et suudetaks omandada teadmisi.

My lessons & teaching style

As I have a infatuation with science then I'd like to spread the love towards other too, thus I try to awaken an interest into the field we're studying.
In lessons of history I like to talk with passion and give interesting stories about the time, highlighting the most important parts what a student needs to know in a test.
In lessons about natural sciences I try to give the student a base understanding about the topic so they could have a sense of understanding and could build themselves up from there.
During studying I want a student to feel comfortable and ready to learn, all questions will be tried to be answered and if I don't have an answer right now then I will send it later.

Mulle meeldib äratada õpilases huvi aine vastu, ma lähenen igale õpilasele individuaalse külje alt, mis sobiks talle enam.
Reaalainete õpetamisel proovin ma õpetada selgeks baasi, mis aitab aru saada suuremast pildist, et sellest edasi saaks arusaamise keerulistemast protsessidest ning kuidas iseseisalt lahendada probleemküsimusi.

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